Wednesday, December 17, 2008

For Crimes Against Humanity...

The global financial crisis was perpetrated by a few hand-fulls of people and will affect potentially billions. There is no question that, left to their own devices, the perpetrators would have continued their destructive policies. Therefore, I feel there should be no other recourse than to try them for crimes against humanity. Their policies were intentionally deceitful and they showed an utter disdain for the harm they were causing and have caused. This should leave no doubt that these people are of the worst sort of human and must be made to pay for their crimes.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

On Visions and Reality

How can a person spend so much time looking in the mirror without truly seeing themselves?

Sunday, December 7, 2008

A Thought on Modern Life

Today it's all about the destination. Where has the enjoyment of the journey gone?