Monday, April 7, 2008

Global warming--hate to say 'I told you so', but...

...I did (see my December 10, 2007 entry). Four months ago, I told you that global warming was here to stay and all the well-meaning attempts at carbon-footprint reduction that the few hardcore greens were doing would mean precisely squat. Well, it now seems other scientists, economists, etc. have come to the same realization. As reported in the NY Times, online edition, today:

A Shift in the Debate Over Global Warming

Recommendations are now being made to the effect that, instead of focusing on reducing emissions, we need to focus on new, cleaner technologies. Why? Again, precisely as I said, because the numbers from recent years show that people are not reducing and fuel efficiency is actually decreasing globally. So *surprise, surprise* whatever reduction we attempt (geologically slow as our governments are) will be far too little far too late.

So get out your wet-suits and wax up your surfboards, cause the age of Aquarius is coming (Aquarius being the water bearer of the zodiac).

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