Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Lightspeed Dreams vs glacial progress

There is a big issue regarding superinjunction in the UK right now. I won't comment on my personal opinion in this post, but rather, my comment is reserved for an article that suggests that twitter and facebook should be censored in order to uphold such laws because they are like internet media outlets.

This idea is, of course, completely crazy.

The editorial is here:

and my response is here:

This is clearly written by someone who misunderstands the technology of the modern age completely.

Twitter and Facebook are no more akin to media outlets than talking to your neighbour in the street is. They are far more like textual mobile phones, than newspapers. And I don't think Richard would dare suggest a delay after every sentence communicated over cellular, just so the censors could confirm its legality. Or what about big brother agents standing on street corners with directional microphones listening to all conversations on the street?

This is yet another example of the glacial pace of the establishment clashing with the lightspeed dreams of modern technology. One of them has to give, and unless the establishment is willing to take us back to the caves to maintain control I'm sure it will be the glaciers.

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